Homeschool in the summer article

Summer is a time for family fun and enjoying the sunshine. It is also a great time to keep on learning!

Summer Learning Plan

All of life is learning! Cooking in the kitchen together, going on a nature walk, and exploring outside are fantastic learning moments. Summer family trip adventures are the perfect time to learn, grow, and explore.

To keep learning over the summer I suggest picking the one area each child needs some extra practice on and finding resources for that skill – writing, math, history, science… Then otherwise, just learn and have fun through each day’s adventures!

If you haven’t yet received my Ultimate Guide to Learning Fun, sign up to be a subscriber off on the right of this site and get a whole booklet jam-packed with ways to enjoy the time spent together while learning along the way!

The Ultimate Guide to Learning Fun shown on multiple screens

Math Resources

Kahn Academy is a fantastic resource, used by many schools. It is always free and always great!

Another family favorite is Math Is Fun. This website explains math concepts in easy-to-understand language and offers math helps for grades K-12.

Math on blackboard


A favorite science resource at my house is Mystery Science. They have fun free lessons and mini-lessons you can check out today. Many topics include experiments with items you probably have at home. Their lessons are designed for children ages 5-12.

For more fun, learn with Steve Spangler’s science experiments. Check out his Experiment Library complete with videos and instructions.

Language Arts

Spelling City is an online program designed to assist your child with spelling. There are lists, quizzes, and yes – games that will make learning to spell fun. You get access to most of the program features – using the free version!

Summer is the perfect time to read, read, read. Encourage your child to read books that interest them. Read together as a family. Change up the location where you are reading – create a reading fort, a reading train using kitchen chairs, or read in the backyard or at the park!

girl writing at kitchen table

More family learning fun

BrainPop is another family favorite that offers animated videos in all school topics. Enjoy their free videos or sign up for a free 2-week trial on their BrainPop Family or Homeschool program.

The National Center for Families has provided some fun free online learning resources:

Check out Wonderopolis to get answers to interesting questions.

Go to Camp Wonderopolis to find fun interactive learning experiences. Choose between 5 different fun “camp experiences” that feature music, engineering, construction, space, zoo, and more.

OR, check out their 30 days of fun family learning. There is a month’s worth of fun family literacy activities you can enjoy together. Day 1 is to visit your local library! Sign up for your local library’s summer reading program. Explore all the fun resources your library has to offer. Some libraries offer kits you can check out with fun learning materials.

Woman in library surrounded by books

More Ideas?

Could you use more ideas and resources? Here is a comprehensive list of Amazing Educational Resources for learning at home.

family walking outside

This summer I hope you enjoy extra family time and sunshine – and have fun with summer learning too!