Several years ago, we did the best thing ever! We created a magic jar for our homeschool. What is a magic jar you ask?
A Magic Jar is…
Kids always learn better when interested and engaged. With this thought in mind we cut up design papers into small rectangles and the kids dreamed up and wrote down topics they wanted to learn more about:
- How is toilet paper made?
- Dragons
- Ladybugs
- Astronauts
- How old is the oldest person alive?
- Mazes
- Mummies
The details…
Then youtube and I became very good friends. Each homeschool day the kids would take turns reaching into the magic jar to pull out a new topic. I would do some quick research on youtube, find fun videos on the topic, and then the learning would begin.
Together we discovered the magic in the world!
What a joy it has been!
Joyful moments…
We have chuckled at funny videos of hedgehogs, decided we were glad not to be dung beetles and been enraptured with the talent and theatrical abilities of the Piano Guys. The kids kept begging for “just one more song”.

… and extra learning!
Often, watching these videos will create even more interest in the subject. We discovered exactly what an armadillo looks like and then enjoyed reading “The Beginning of Armadillos” in Just So Stories.

Do you know how jelly beans are made? Well, we do now! Interesting fact: Jelly Bellys skyrocketed in popularity after President Ronald Reagan became a huge fan and would hand out jars of the delicious treats to world leaders.

And more learning fun…
Did you know that the Sahara desert temperatures are not only hot – with a record high of 136 degrees F – but also freezes and can snow anytime from December to February? With temperatures so extreme, the vegetation has to be super hearty. Cactus plants can have roots up to 40 feet long in order to find water. The kids and I measured out 40 feet. That is REALLY long! Some especially courageous – or crazy? – people actually pay $4500 two years in advance in order to run the toughest footrace in the world – across part of the Sahara Desert.

We learned what the inside of a piano looks like and watched spellbound as a composer placed objects inside the piano to change the sound and then plucked the strings. We delighted in a video of a 4-year-old playing the piano in a way I could never dream of. It was all very magical.

You can have these joyful moments too!
Take time to notice the beauty and interest found on earth. Enjoy the magic of life. Say thank you to God. Share with your children. Make a homeschool magic jar.